Here is The States Project's Latest News on Minnesota
Maximizing Mail and Digital Spends
Our ongoing relationship with our Minnesota partners means we are a trusted source of information and we can help make their program smarter and more efficient.
TSP’s expertise has helped ensure every dollar invested in Minnesota has the biggest possible impact. Data proves that campaign mailers begin to show diminishing returns with voters after a certain number of mail pieces. Leveraging TSP’s spending guidelines and research, Emily Waggoner, our Regional Political Director, was able to work with the caucus to reduce mail plans from 15 pieces to 9 and save them money for layering other critical tactics. Here is one example of a mail piece from Minnesota:
Digital ads are our biggest spend category in Minnesota — and we’ve influenced our partners to think about A/B testing their digital spending, making their program smarter and more efficient. The most effective persuasion ads are non-skippable pre-roll; Facebook, Instagram, and connected TV ads (on streaming services like Hulu) may be some of the most cost-effective digital spending with a cost per net vote as low as $200 and viewership growing yearly. Testing these ads ensures that only the most effective ads are served to potential voters.
Sally Fields has a message to share with us that cannot be ignored. Click on the button below to watch.

We wanted to make sure you saw the new video with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Kerry Washington, a.k.a. Selina Meyer and Olivia Pope, talking about the importance of focusing on state legislative races this year!

Melissa Walker, The States Project Head of Giving Circles, on the Importance of State Legislatures