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Want to Meet SEED-MN's Executive Team - Scroll Down

SEED-MN Executive Team

Why we devote our time to SEED-MN

Susie Lewis: I devote my time to SEED-MN/The States Project (TSP) because it combines my passion for service with a very important purpose. In addition, we have the opportunity to build a community of generous and dedicated people with similar values.

Becky Monson: I work on Minnesota electoral issues because kitchen table issues affecting every Minnesotan is decided in the State Legislature. Our individual rights are being chipped away by the US Supreme Court, and the Minnesota Legislature is our first line of defense. The issues range from livable wages, healthcare for all, reproductive rights, school funding, infrastructure, climate/environment, protection of water and wetlands, to all phases of elections. Every generation gets called upon to defend democracy and now is my time.

Carol Seiler: I was a member of SEED-MN before being invited to join the Executive Team. SEED-MN is an organization with extremely determined members and friends committed to protecting our democracy and electing the right people to represent us. I am proud to be a member of the Executive Team and to be working with two incredible women.